January - March, 2018 - Downsizing

January - March, Downsizing:  We spent the first three months of 2018 getting the house ready to sell.

Our kids took some of our furniture, for a total of about 3 mostly bedrooms gone.   It turned out that neither our kids, consignment shops, nor antique shops wanted the master bedroom set nor any of our antiques (with two exceptions) or the rest of our furniture.  It was not the right style, and there was no market for it.  We did sell a few pieces to individuals and gave some furniture away.  And G
oodwill got a lot of stuff.

We packed everything else, and had movers move our stuff to our son-in-law's warehouse near Las Vegas.  As the movers unpacked our stuff and piled it higher and higher, we were amazed at the amount of furniture and boxes we still had.  39 years in the same house saw us accumulate lots of stuff.

We then had repairs done to the house, the interior painted, new carpet laid, the house cleaned, and the house staged.

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