Mid-April to Mid-June 2018 - Downsizing and Moving

Mid-April - Mid-June, Downsizing and Moving:  We established residency in Nevada where our daughter and her family live.  We allocated 2 months after the sell of the house to establish residency, obtain new drivers licenses, register the cars, get new medical insurance, register to vote, etc.  Plus to finish several projects we had not gotten to.  A lot of which was getting photo albums and pictures scanned and getting those organized and named.  And downsizing from a desktop and a laptop to just one laptop (yet to see how that works).   Needless to say, we will need another two or three months to finish.

During this time we took a good hard look at what we hopefully would be storing for years and after much discussion decided to donate most of the rest of the furniture, keeping a few cherished items.  And gave some to the kids and donated a lot of kitchen and other items.

We still have a lot of boxes!

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